From 5th to 9th September 2011 the 26th, European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (PVSEC) will take place in the CCH Congress Centre and International Fair in Hamburg. The PVSEC is not only an international expert congress for research and development, industry and application, it is one of the most important industrial fairs concerning photovoltaics. The Arnold Group belongs to one of few internationally accepted full-service providers offering process- and automation technologies for the wide spectrum of silicon brick manufacturing from one source.
The specialist makes use of the international PVSEC forum to introduce new and technically innovative high-end machines and solutions with measurably high value for the customer. Combination grinding machine The focus of the company presentation is the live demonstration of the combined surface and chamfer grinding machine, type 72/865. This machine can already be used economically for small and medium sized brick production capacities.
It is an ideal completion of the well approved stand alone machine for surface grinding and chamfer grinding supplied by the manufacturer Arnold. With the assistance of the integrated process analysis tool ARPAT®, current process data are collected, visualized and analyzed and are the basis for a continuous optimization of production and process parameters. A process capability of > 1,67 cpk at a tolerance of +/- 0,05 mm can constantly be obtained and paves the way to get the required „Zero Error Strategy“. This new machine is available starting from now. Squaring saw With the new squaring saw, type 72/476, the thin-blade cutting technology for manufacturing multicrystalline bricks – successfully established for years – is now adopted to the monocrystalline brick production. The sawing blade has a thickness of 1,5 millimeter.
That means the kerf loss – compared with commercially available blade thicknesses of 3,5 millimeter – is more than halved. This traditionally robust and reliable production tech-nique guarantees high availability and a stable process. This new machine – also available starting from now – stands out due to low tooling costs and simple operation. Cropping saw This new cropping saw completes the manufacturing process of monocry-stalline bricks. The machine works completely automatically – from ingot loading till unloading of bricks. This machine will be available end of 2011.
Meeting point: Arnold Gruppe 26 EUR PVSEC, CCH Congress and International Fair, Hamburg
Exhibition: Monday, 5th September 2011 until Thursday, 8th, September 2011, Hall: A4, Stand: A9
Partner to talk to: Wolfgang Schürgers, CSO, Arnold Gruppe Company
Herbert Arnold GmbH & Co. KG, founded 1950 in Weilburg/Germany, is one of the world-wide leading manufacturers of burners, tools and machines as well as ready-to-use systems for customers in the area of photovoltaic, glass and quartz glass processing, fibre-optic and the automotive production. The core competence in the area of photovoltaics is the mechanic cutting and grind-ing/polishing of poly-, mono and multi-crystalline silicon-ingots and blocks. Traditional values and experiences are the base of thermal and mechanical glass production which, next to a wide range of burners and tools are nowadays also incorporated into the solar thermal glass tube production. The Arnold Gruppe consists of the following companies: Herbert Arnold GmbH & Co. KG, Helmich Automationstechnik (1998); B&C (2005) und Heathway Ltd. (2004). The foundation stone was laid by Herbert Arnold. The realisation of innovative production technologies for glass and later for quartz glass processing, turned the one-man company within a short time into an enterprise with an international reputation. The Arnold Gruppe nowadays employs 208 employees and exports to all the key markets of the world.
Company Contact:
Arnold Gruppe
Herbert Arnold GmbH & Co. KG
Wolfgang Schürgers CSO
Weilstraße 6
35781 Weilburg
Phone: +49 (0)6471 9394126
Fax: +49 (0)6471 Press Contact:
Benson GmbH
Agentur für angewandte Kommunikation
Gisela Benson
Brucker Straße 4
82266 Inning am Ammersee
Phone: +49 (0)8143 44 44 73
Fax: +49 (0)8143 44 47
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